Protecting our Children

Critical Race Theory, Gender Identity , Sexual Orientation, and Social Justice Indoctrination of our children in schools

I am a strong advocate for transparency in our K-12 education system, and believe parents have the right to know what is being taught to their kids.  Moreover, school administrators have an obligation to be transparent with parents regarding course content and course curriculum in K-12 public schools. 

In 2022, Governor Kelly vetoed legislation that would establish a “parent’s bill of rights” that would give parents more access to the content and curriculum in the K-12 classroom.  In essence, greater transparency of what is being taught to our children, and access to these materials. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic and through the use of Zoom and other technologies, parents began to see daily the education process “real-time” for their kids.  Nationwide, we have seen Critical Race Theory (CRT) and similarly disguised topics under the header of diversity and inclusion, or social-justice, being injected into the K-12 school curriculum.  These include but are not limited to sexual orientation and gender orientation education to children in pre-K and K-through third grade in some school districts across our country.  While the tendency of some people may be to debate the merits of each of these topics, I do not believe these topics have any basis or merit in our K-12 school system. 

Parents have the right to know and approve/disapprove if these topics are part of the curriculum for their kids.  Parent’s rights supersede school administration rights!  We need to allow kids to be kids, and not force-feed these social engineering topics on students K-12.  Schools should focus on Mathematics, Science, Languages, History, Technology and those topics that will enable our children to compete as adults later in life!